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I didn’t seek out the study of children’s use of technology so much as it found me. As a child and adolescent psychologist, I’ve worked with hundreds of families that report similar problems: their children’s overuse of entertainment techno…
We’re devoted to making better ice creams and bringing people together. It’s what gets us out of bed in the morning and keeps us up late at night. We believe that you can grow a business as a community of people, with artful attention to de…
Newley Purnell writes about global technology firms, Indian startups, venture capital and more.
Short one today because I am cruising the highways Los Angeles and looking at apartments. At least I have a cool car and a good pair sunglasses.
We’re a fully distributed team 82 people living and working in 15 countries around the world. And we’re working to build the best products to help our customers build their brands and grow their businesses on social media. We’ve always…
Nalden, co-founder WeTransfer, really enjoys sharing his observations on internet, business & life.
All major Electric Forest announcements are always a surprise – join the newsletter and you will be the first to know when big Forest news drops! is an independently owned news source for the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries. We provide readers with informative, well-researched, and unbiased news stories relating to the crypto space on a daily basis, all w…
Practical, not-panicky advice for a pandemic. Welcome to Not a Doctor, the only newsletter about health and science that quotes The Good Place. I’m Melody Schreiber, a journalist and the editor of What We Didn’t Expect. I’m not a doctor, or

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