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This site started as a side project back in 2015. Collecting only the latest and greatest case studies about digital product design. Learning how others think and applying parts their process to your own work is a great way to grow as a…
Sketchplanations are free to use for non-commercial purposes with attribution. Please go wild! Ideally, please include the source as `Sketchplanations` and link back to the site. Details on the licence page. In 2012 my sister bought me a b…
At Starter Story, we interview successful entrepreneurs and share the stories behind their business. In each interview, we ask how they got started, how they grew, and how they run their business today. The stories are inspiring and also p…
“My weekly newsletter is full great things to read (some but not all which were written by me) and GIFs and the occasional product endorsement. It arrives in your inbox on Fridays, just when you’ve run out internet for the week.”
Keeps you up to speed on the latest going on in the worlds manufacturing & automation
What do you read at lunch? A collection of the best stuff online: curated articles, music & videos.
Links to stories around the internet that he has thoughts on. Thoughts longer than 140 characters.

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