11/20/20 Recommended Issues: Mystery House, Communicating Danger, False Advertising

Good day!
Each week we handpick newsletter issues by independent writers you may have missed that provide new or unique perspectives.
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Here's what's worth reading this week...enjoy!
The Winchester Mystery House in Stay at Home Meg, by Meg Conely on 10/29
If you’ve never heard of the Winchester Mystery House, it has quite the lore in California… a house that was continually being built for 40 years, by widow Sarah Winchester, with stairs going no-where, doors opening to nothing, etc. But, what this article makes you both realize and then think about is how easy it is for rumored stories, false-facts, and public perception to become the tale that is passed down and remembered...when indeed there is a different reality that perhaps very few people ever took the time to know and remember. This issue is worth reading because 1. It’s a stark reminder of the ease of false memory during a time when we’re all dealing with a lot of disinformation. 2. The true story of Sarah Winchester is so much deeper, interesting, and human than the superficial myth...and you’ll enjoy learning about her history. (2054 words; 7.5 minutes) Read it...
How to talk to people 10,000 years in the future in The Magnet, by Mark Frauenfelder on 11/16
This issue draws you in when it asks you to ponder how you’d communicate to people 10,000 years in the future NOT TO DIG into the area in New Mexico where 2million cubic feet of radioactive waste is held in a sealed container underground. How will humans (or whoever) in 10k years even communicate? And how can you get across the concepts of danger, death, stay-the-heck-away, etc? You’ll also learn some of the leading researchers’ recommendations, which are pretty fascinating as well. If nothing else, it will leave you with a fun question to ponder with friends/relatives over your upcoming Zoom Thanksgiving or Holiday dinners. (1278 words; 4.5 minutes) Read it...
For $25K, you can publish climate denial in The Washington Post in Heated by Emily Atkin on 11/18
This issue is intriguing because it makes you think about where the lines are for false advertising...and where they should be. Emily explains that recently there was an expensive ad publishing blatantly and intentionally false information about climate change science. And while it was published in a reputable newspaper (The Washington Post), Emily makes the point that smoking companies would not be allowed to run ads with false information about the effects of smoking on your health. So, it leaves you to wonder, where is the line for false advertising, who’s drawing it, what’s actually the right place to have it, and should it be moved? It's worth considering. (1485 words; 5.5 minutes) Read it…
Some interesting facts for the week:
That radioactive waste dump mentioned above is expected to fill up by 2070...and then will be sealed up, with a mandate to keep it safe for 10,000 years. What’s problematic is that the waste will still be lethal for 100,000 years. Ugh, I hope whatever message they land on is good for a LOT longer than just 10k years. (The Magnet, 11/16)
Of the roughly 350 million products for sale on Amazon, 97% are from third-party sellers ...but, third-party sellers only account for around 60% of all Amazon marketplace sales. I assume that means that three percent of sellers account for 40% of sales, which is quite a hefty share. (Alternative Assets 11/15)
Ted Turner is the 2nd largest private landholder in America... Who knew? (Alternative Assets, 11/9)
There's actually a company out there (Tasmanian Islands) that lets you buy fractional investments in small, private islands (!), which they then turn into luxury escapes...If you've ever wanted a private island but couldn't afford it, perhaps now's your chance :). (Alternative Assets, 11/10)
A typical worker bee in its lifetime produces 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey. Wow, that certainly gives some perspective next time you squeeze some honey into your tea or on your cornbread. Bee thankful. (Naive Globalist, 11/10)
And speaking of being thankful, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for reading and sticking with this newsletter. I appreciate it. Also, since next week is American Thanksgiving, there won't be an issue that comes... so stay tuned for the next one on December 5th.
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Thanks and happy early Thanksgiving,
Gobble gobble!