5/1/20: Recommended Issues of the Week

5/1/20: Recommended Issues of the Week

narrowSCALE's roundup of some of the best newsletter issues each week 

Take a skim through...

  •  Marketing During the Pandemic (from Marketing BS with Edward Nevraumont on Tuesday April 28, 2020)... It offers some well thought out recommendations about strategic marketing in the current economy. Edward provides an interesting take on how you should allocate and execute your marketing spend, as well how/whether you should you adjust your brand messaging. 

  • Who Eats The Most Meat? (from The friday chartr on Friday May 1, 2020)... It will give you a break from all of the corona reading out there and provide you with some fun facts on global eating habits, recession depths, and amusing search numbers. 

Hope you enjoy the reads! Please subscribe to Marketing BS with Edward Nevraumont,  The friday chartr, and Yello if you'd like to receive more!


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